
Friday, April 06, 2012

Printable Computer Purchasing Guide - Save Hundreds!

The information provided will help you understand what the computer you are buying really is. I provided several questions to ask the salesman at the computer store to make sure you are buying what you want and need for a low price. Going to the store without this would be passing up a minimum of $100. Salesman work on commission which motivates them to sell you products the most expensive selections and devices whether or not you actually needed it.
1. Hard Drives
    -More GB (Gigabytes) is better because it provides more space!
    -TB (Terabytes) are 1000 GB
    -Most people have 100 to 500 GB on their desktop's hard drive
    -Many people currently buying desktop computers select sizes 500GB to 1000GB today
    -Your computer's storage space

2. RAM (Random Access Memory)
    -Responsible for most of a computers speed
    -A superior addition to a laptop (get a lot!)
   -Programs require more and more RAM year by year (tech is growing)

3. Laptop
    -Costs more than desktop
    -Not very flexible with hardware like a desktop can be
    -Generally less space on hard drive
    -built-in keyboard, mouse, and monitor
    -Do not buy a used laptop (no warranty and parts are small)

4. Support
     -Will the company offer you a warranty?
    -Is there 24 hour help?
    -Is the company a well known brand that you can rely on?

5. Accessories
   -Is a monitor included?
   -Is a mouse included?
   -Is a keyboard included?
   -Battery Life?
   -All computer companies exaggerate their laptop battery life. What ever it promises, think half.

6. CPU (Central Processing unit)
    -Main Speed Unit
    -Does calculations
    -speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz)
    -more GHz, faster computer

7. Graphics Card
    -Buy the expensive ones for good graphics on HD movies and video games

8. Operating System
    -Windows 7, Mac OS X, Linux?
    -Mac is most user friendly and easy to understand, but Windows is the perfect balance between real computing, and friendly bunnies. I wouldn't get Linux without knowing about how it works and its positives and negatives.

9. Drives
    -How many USB drives?
    -Can it use SD cards without an adapter?
    -Can it use memory card sticks?
    -Can you easily access and change or add a hard drive?
    -How many audio jacks does the computer have?

Watch this video for extra aid in selecting a computer:

 This list can help you purchase the best computer for you for a low price!

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