
Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Basics of Google Email Account

   This will seem elementary to many computer users, but, for the rest may be a life-saver. Creating an email is very simple with almost all Email Providers. Google Email (gmail) which has the extension "" is my email company of choice because it's free, comprehensive, fast, and is easy to use. 

How to Create an Email Account with Google: 
   1. Visit Google's web page
   2. Click "Gmail" in the upper right hand corner.
   3. Click Create An Account on the left side of the page
   4. Fill in all the boxes and choices **Please write down your username (email) and password**
   5. Press"I accept. Create my Account" at the bottom.
   6. If the screen doesn't proceed, look for any missed choices (in red)

To Sign in to Your Gmail Account: 
   1. Visit Google
   2. Enter your user name and password in the box to the right
   2.5 Check the box for "Stay signed in if you wish to return to the page without logging out.
   3. Press "Sign in"

To View Your Emails In Your Inbox:
   1. Look on right of your screen and click "Inbox (x)"
   2. Double click any email in the list of emails to view a specific email.
   3. When you are finished with that email click "Inbox (x)" to view some more emails
   **Inbox is where your received emails will go**

To Send an Email:
   1. Click "Compose Mail" (I wish it said "Create Mail")
   2. Where it says "To:" write your friends email ( or whatever)
   3. Click on the big open area to type the contents of the letter.
   3.5 If you want to add a picture, program, or video (ect.) click "Attach file" (paper clip) and click
   "browse" and search through your files to find the desired attachment. 
   3.6 Select "Open" to upload the file to the email (it hasn't sent it yet!)
   4. Click "Send" to send the message or "Save Now" to store the message for later use
   (in Drafts).


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