
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who Doesn't like a Nice View? Windows Shortcut Navigation

   When navigating through groups of folders and files it can be overwhelming, confusing, and tedious to try and find one specific folder. One solution is the Windows 7, Search feature. [start] > *type something* > [enter]
   Often, however, the search feature cannot locate the file you are looking for because it cannot see or interpret its contents or doesn't have user permission to see into certain sections of the users computers. BUT, there is hope and knowledge to be gained right here and now that will eliminate your deepest headaches:
>>View, Sort By, and Group By<< For now I will focus on "View"

   View can be used to edit how the files and folders appear in the navigation panels.
    To edit it: (Directions)
      1.[right click] the panel, not the file, but the white space in the window
      2.hold your cursor over View to have the options revealed on the side: 
  Extra Large Icons; Large Icons; Medium Icons; Small Icons; List; Details; Tiles; Content; Expand All Groups; Collapse All Groups.

My best advice is to try them (above) out because it is easy to undo the changes:
   To undo the changes you made: [Right Click] > [View] > [Select your previous choice(s)]
    Try [Ctrl] + [Z] (little keyboard short cut)

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