
Friday, January 27, 2012

9 Traits of a Successful Blogger

Blogging is not a piece the piece of cake it should be. It takes thought, time, energy, and interest. Your blogging experiences will be positive as long as you are positive. Give it your all, and listen to your viewers.

  1. Passion

    To blog in the big leagues you need to have passion about what you are writing and posting about! Write about what you enjoy! If you are experienced or good at it then that's even better! Be passionate.

  2. Patience

    Patience is a virtue. It truly is. You cannot expect a blog to be successful be worthy of 100 pageviews per day in one week.

  3. Dynamic Mindset

    Time is never still, and nor should your blog be. If you have ever been to a blog that was not updated for over a year? Most of the time it is a total turn off to be on a blog post that hasn't been improved or updated in a year plus. Keep on your toes and listen to all the complaints on compliments you receive about your blog.

  4. Easy On The Eyes

    If your blog is difficult to read or look at, then the only viewers you will acquire will be in desperation for the answer contained on your page. And with all the webpages on the web today, chances are that there is an easier to read version of your post one google search away.

  5. Friendly

    Blogs are meant to provide a service to people interested in the topics you cover. You want them to feel safe, comfortable, and happy when they read your blog.

  6. Unbiased

    You can have two times as many viewers if you can put aside your arguments and opinions and create a balance. This is not true for biased topics like politics: there are topics that demand your bias.

  7. Analytic

    You are aware of how your blog is doing statistically, and can recognize good and bad trends to learn from.
  8. Energetic

    Energy is what gets us up in the morning (metaphorically) and energy is what brings people to search the web. When I have no energy even the internet can be a arduous and/or tedious task. Keep your energy high and optimistic to ensure the user that you are giving them your all.
  9. Giving

    Share your resources, experience, and blogs in a liberal manner. If you have 10 ads on every page of your site, then you are not as helpful as you may think. Share with your readers.

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