
Monday, April 09, 2012

Modulus Division by Hand

Believe it or not you already have the ability to do modulus division. In fact you do it every day.

Remember in elementary school where division either worked "perfectly" or had a remainder? In middle school and highschool you toss the remainder and find answers in terms of decimals and fractions instead of remainders. The poor remainder has one last opportunity to impress you, in it's simplification of modulus division.

How To Do It:
-Set up a long division problem with the top and all.
-Insert your divisor, dividend like old times
-Solve the problem with remainder r.

dividend % divisor = remainder
Modulus division answer = remainder

Modulus division is a way of computers to check for specific multiples of  a number. Such as an algorithm to determine whether a number is even. We do this subconciously all the time,

IF some number divided by 2 = 0
THEN it's even. 

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