
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

HTML: How To Create Images


Images appear on websites because your internet browser reads HTML that contains an <img> tag with an attribute, src, which describes the location of the picture (the link address).

The code would look something like...
<img src="File Location" />

"File Location" is the URL (Universal Resource Locator) for an image. Short and sweet, if you want an image on your site from Google Images you should right click the image and select "copy link address" or "copy image URL" and paste the link address inside the double quotation marks. 

<img src="" />

The image tag does not have a closing tag, but instead, a forward slash / in the tag before the closing angle bracket, >.

The Code: Piece by Piece Explanation

1. <     ~open angle bracket
2. img     ~image tag
3. src     ~the source attribute of image
4. ="image URL"    ~ assigning value "image URL" to the source attribute
5. />       ~end tag 

Practice Makes Perfect!

Try practicing with the image below! Just right click it and select "Copy image URL" and use it with the syntax for an image! <img src="image URL"/>

For more about Images in HTML: Click Here!

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