
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Introduction to CSS

An Introduction To CSS

It is recommended you understand HTML (DHTML, XHTML) before digging into CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and describes how a web page and its parts should be displayed. External style sheets are CSS files that can be implemented into any web page you desire. For example, a CSS file can describe how much indentation there should be in every paragraph <p> element.

Why web developers need CSS

The reason web developers need CSS is because HTML was never intended to provide visual properties to its components, but to instead inform web browsers of what element they were going to be displaying. Different web browsers display HTML in different ways (same for CSS). CSS separate the bones(HTML code) from the flesh (CSS).

Support for CSS

Have no fear! All web browsers support CSS so everything you learn about CSS will apply to a website viewed on any web browser, such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, SimplePie.

Learning CSS Resources currently has only a few lessons/posts on CSS, so I want to leave you with two great sites where you can study CSS.

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