
Monday, June 25, 2012

Bulleted Lists in HTML

Bulleted Lists Quick Facts

  • The HTML opening tag <ul> and its matching closing tag </ul> create bulleted lists
  • The more formal name for bulleted lists is Unorganized Lists
  • These quick facts are list items of an unorganized list.
  • List item can contain
    • pictures
    • text
    • video
    • links
    and combinations of those mentioned (pretty much anything)
  • Unorganized lists can have list items that contain unorganized lists lists inside them. Lists in lists are considered nested (previous list item)
Bulleted lists are called Unorganized lists and are used to display information that is to be treated equally (no rankings or order necessary).

Here is the source code for the Bulleted Lists Quick Facts!
HTML Entity
[Case Sens.]

  • The HTML opening tag &lt;ul&gt; and its closing tag &lt;/ul&gt; create bulleted lists
  • The more formal name for bulleted lists is Unorganized Lists
  • These quick facts are list items of an unorganized list.
  • List item can contain
    • pictures
    • text
    • video
    • links
    and combinations of those mentioned (pretty much anything)
  • Unorganized lists can have list items that contain unorganized lists lists inside them. Lists in lists are considered nested (previous list item)

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