
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

20 Goals for New Bloggers

Many Blog Expectations, But Many Problems to Address

Expectations are hard to meet, so let me guide you through some realistic and important milestones.
  1. Listed on Google for a search term
  2. Being above 50th item in Google results for your blog name
  3. Being above 10th item in Google results for your blog name
  4. Get more than 1000 pageviews in one month
  5. Get your first user comment (that is not spam)
  6. Have 3 or more pages provided in addition to your posts
  7. Contain 50 pages or posts that contain links to valuable online resources
  8. Get your blog its own domain name
  9. Accumulate at least 10 blog posts that contain images, video, or sound that were uploaded to the web by you
  10. Answer your first user email
  11. Submit your blog to 2+ blog indexing sites
  12. Have 3 friends take a look at your blog without knowing it was yours and use their feedback to enhance your blog
  13. Create a navigation or index page or panel
  14. Review 3 individual blog posts and make 3 changes to enhance each
  15. Obtain a +1 from a Google+ user
  16. Provide a link to your blog feed on your front page
  17. Create a tiny image to be your web-icon
  18. Create 5 posts containing no material other than your own (thus not needing sources and worrying about broken links, ect.)
  19. Fill in the Search Description box for 10 posts

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