
Monday, September 12, 2011

HD Videos Small in Size for Fast Uploading

Basic Rules:
1. decrease pixels: decrease size
2. decrease frame rate: decrease size
3. decrease size of window (area of film capturing)
Do you sense the trend?

   High definition files are often bigger in size (Gigabytes of space) which results in slow uploads to sites like Youtube. In the past, I had filmed 1 minute long videos that capture my whole computer screen (lots of pixels) and the size of the file would end up being around 4 GB in space: Maybe even more! That is so much space, especially because it is a one minute video and I do not own a personal satellite to maximize my file uploads (that would be awesome.). The 4 GB video that in our terms seems small due to it's length (1 minute) took around 4 hours to upload to Youtube! I do not want to wait four hours to find out something might have gone wroscreen, computer screen videos, smng in the process of waiting in anticipation. So, I looked to fix my problem by trial and error:

   I will skip all the bad trials and get to the meat of this post: How to get your HD Movies recorded on your computer to be small in size (Megabytes) using CamStudio-Recorder, which is free to use and download. All you need to do to create this drastically faster and smaller file for your uploading endeavors is:
Download CamStudio-Recorder Here

1. Open CamStudio-Recorder
2. Press Options
3. Select Video Options
4. Keep Quality around it's default (appr. 75), but change Framerate to around 26. 

Your video file size will be so much smaller than the usual, and it is still recording at a rate of 26 pictures per second. Hope this works for you!  -Brian

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