
Sunday, September 18, 2011

True Story, Binary is Everywhere

Quickly test your logical skills in this little teaser! The lesson follows it.
Try completing these sentences to represent binary logic:
Ex. One or Zero
1. Jack on / Jack __A__
2. Radio __B__ / radio off
3. Switch up / Switch __C__
4. Eat sandwich / __D__ eat sandwich
5. True / __E__.
6. Yes / __F__

A.Off  B.On  C.Down  D.Don't  E.False  F: No

Binary numbers are everywhere!
   Try and simplify an answer to anything simpler than true or false (yes or no). . . You really can't! Binary numbers represent a yes or no situation, like on or off. The light switch is either on or off (Dimmer is still on). Binary numbers are as simple as 3.1415.... (PI). If you don't believe me then read on:

   Decimal is a word familiar to us all. You most likely think of a decimal point, but decimal better applies to a number system based in 10. The ten numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The reason 10 is not included is because we use zero to represent a multiple of ten, when following a coefficient or real number.

   In Binary the idea is much simpler! The only numbers used are ones and zeros. Although most would not agree... because we have been taught to read in decimal. Say you are 5 years old (decimal). You could also say that you are 101(binary) years old. Big difference huh? Well, let me explain:

The Steps
1: The first one (far right, in the ones place as we know it):is a value of 1 in decimal. Total=1
2: The zero is of value 0. Total=1+0
3: The final one in the right most place is a value of 4 in decimal. Total = 1+0+4 = 5 (decimal)

   101 in binary is 5 in decimal. What about if you are 64 years old in decimal? Supposing you are; You would be 1000000 years old in (binary). This is because the only 1 that is in the far left is in the 7th place to the right which results in a value of 64 (decimal).

More Questions! The answer is in white print (invisible hopefully).
Q1. If you were 10001 years old, how old would you be?
Answer: 17
Q2. If you were 11111, could you drive a car in the United States?
Answer: Yes. You would be 1+2+4+8+16 = 31 years old.

Here is how you could convert binary to decimal:
1110 = (1*(10^4) + 1*(10^3) + 1*(10^2) + 0*(10^1) = 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 14.

Binary is essential for computers, including our super computer brains. There are no maybe's in binary; however, there are negative numbers if you are limited to a specific number of digits. Like a byte (8 binary digits): 1000 0000 = -0 because the highest digit in the byte determines whether the number is positive or negative.

Here are some online binary converters for your use:

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