
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Clocked Set-Reset Latch

Introduction to the Clocked SR latch

The clocked SR latch (sometimes "Gated SR Latch") is a modification to the Set-Reset Latch (SR latch). After adding the clock to the design, the SR latch can control when it should switch states (when Q and Q' switch values).

Enable To The Rescue

The inputs S and R are meaningless unless the enable input is true. The enable input is the clock input so the circuit is considered "enabled" when CLK=1 on a positive triggered SR latch and when CLK=0 on a negative triggered SR latch.

What's a Clock?

A clock is an element that produces both 1 and 0's, and does so in both regular intervals (like a timer) and irregular intervals (button on arcade game).

The Clocked SR-Latch Design

The clocked SR latch is established by adding 2 AND gates (positive triggered) or 2 NAND gates to filter out the data on the S and R nodes when undesired. This design provides a short term fix to a big problem, the unpredictable state at S=1 and R=1 (given the clock is being triggered CLK=1). to the SR-latch design of 2 NAND or 2 NOR gates. Take a look at the pictures for a more thorough understanding of the design.

This clock is positive edge triggered.

For the design to be negative edge triggered the AND gates would be NAND gates.

Clocked Set-Reset Latch Table (+ edge)
0 X X Q Q' No change in Q and Q'
1 0 0 Q Q' No change in Q and Q'
1 0 1 0 1 Clear Q
1 1 0 1 0 Set Q
1 1 1 ? ? Undesirable state

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