
Friday, January 25, 2013

View the Web in 3D Now!

Since When Did Firefox Support 3D Browsing!??

Personally, I never imagined that I would be able to view webpages in 3 dimensional space, and I am sure you did not either. The idea seems too fantastic to be true. Even now, you probably still have doubts that what I am about to tell you is true (so I wrote directions and left pictures), but you can now browse web pages in 3D through Mozilla Firefox.The directions are below!

3 Steps For 3-D Browsing

Hope for Sager/CLEVO Keyboard Users

The Goal of this Post

The goal of this post is to provide a collection of resources to address, fix, and understand your Sager Laptop Keyboard and its Issues. 99% chance your keyboard problem has nothing to do with Sager or the model of the custom computer.
This is an example of the keyboard light problem. The middle segment of the keyboard should be teal like the right and left segments.

Specifically, I bought the NP9150 (CLEVO P15xEMx) model laptop from AGearNotebooks for a hefty price of $2000+ (USA) with the keyboard upgrade in the of my order. The information on these keyboard problems is hard to find (trust me) so I hope this page helps you out!

List of Reported Keyboard Problems (Sager 9150)

  1. 'Q' key not responding to presses
  2. Dim segment of backlit keyboard with all or certain colors
  3. Shift, Fn, and Ctrl only responding to very hard presses

Solutions and Troubleshooting

Monday, January 21, 2013

Regex Tutorial 3: Phone Nums
Tutorial #2 Answers
  1. "a{3}b{4}c{5}"
  2. "kne{2}"
  3. "cab{2}age"
  4. "2{2}nd stre{2}t"

Typical Regex

Often times, the data we are trying to capture using Regex is not exactly clear. For example, with Regex you may want to capture all of the phone numbers on a website without knowing what actual numbers you will find.

Searching the literal text "333-333-3333" would not be a means of locating all of the phone numbers on a website. It would only capture results with that exact phone number.

So, we need to describe a pattern that follows: 3 digits + hyphen + 3 digits + hyphen + 4 digits.

The Digit Character

"\d" is the text to describe 1 digit. A digit character can only match: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
So, "\d\d\d" could match the first three digits of a phone number; however, we can simplify this expression to be "\d{3}". The curly brackets surround the exact number of digits we want to target.
So far "\d{3}" matches the 1st of 5 parts in the phone number pattern we would like to describe. The part following the three digits is a hyphen "-". A hyphen is treated literally in regex because the hyphen has no other purpose in regex besides specifying ranges which appear only in the quantity specifying portion of a regular expression.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

HTML Comments

Who Would Waste Their Time Commenting their HTML???

Turns out, not too many people comment their HTML code, which is a shame because it causes a hellish amount of problems for website and program developers alike. If you have never heard of a 'comment' then no need to worry. A comment is literally a.. COMMENT; however, the comment acts as notes to you and other web developers as to what the code in a specific region does.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Regex Tutorial 2: Repeat This, Repeat That

Let's Avoid Being Redundant!

Regular Expressions can save you a lot of time, by describing complicated patterns that would be ridiculous to search documents for with a standard Search and Replace.

Repeat Operators

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

20 Goals for New Bloggers

Many Blog Expectations, But Many Problems to Address

Expectations are hard to meet, so let me guide you through some realistic and important milestones.
  1. Listed on Google for a search term
  2. Being above 50th item in Google results for your blog name
  3. Being above 10th item in Google results for your blog name
  4. Get more than 1000 pageviews in one month
  5. Get your first user comment (that is not spam)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Regex Tutorial 1: Literal Text

What is Literal Text?

Literal text is what it sounds like "literal text". Literal text is kind of a WYSIWYG method of capturing data from documents. WYSIWYG stands for What You See is What You Get.

Example #1: Literal Text

Regular Expression Pattern 132
Document text "abc123 321 132 1 3 2 1,32 1321321221"
Findings"abc123 321 132 1 3 2 1,32 1321321221"
Caught text "132", "132", "132"

Importance of Literal Text

20 Resources to Learn Regex

The order of the resources is insignificant. These are all great resources for learning Regular Expressions (Regex). All of these resources have been added to the web Resources page under the Regex category.