
Friday, August 26, 2011

Multiple Home Pages for Firefox

Firefox set their web browser prepared to do this for anyone with a little knowledge that I can offer you.
Click to see the same tutorial for Internet Explorer or Google Chrome

3 Simple Steps:
  1. Open all the pages you want as your home pages in one firefox window. Maybe my blog too! :)
  2. In that same window of Firefox, click [Firefox] (top right) > Then select [Options] > Then select [Options Menu] > Finally Navigate (click) [General] panel.
  3. Finally, once you are in General section of the Options Menu, select (fill the circle for) [Use Current Pages]. You' re finished.

   How To Test it: Close all of your Firefox windows and then click your Firefox shortcut and it should lead you to all the open pages you had presented Firefox with in the role of your multiple home pages. View your Home Page setting in Firefox Option Menu [General Tab] to see the list of websites you chose separated by single pipes ( | ).

Enjoy, -Brian

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