Friday, August 23, 2024

It's Been a While

It's been a while. A long while. And to some extent a happy detour from me writing as I have a lot more to write about these days.
I'm married, a masters in CS and Bachelors in Computer Engineering from a well known school for its technical rigor. What's more, I work in big tech and previously for financial and research companies. Would you believe me if I told you that 50% of what I needed technically was learned in high school? The technology landscape has changed a lot since 2010, but my desire to grow hasn't. While I'm unsure if anyone still follows this blog, I will be putting this message out to guage. Blogging is more saturated than it was when I started this. But why use that as a reason to stop trying. Screw robo blogs. He I am human as ever.